Trail Life
We are thrilled to offer families the opportunity to be a part of Trail Life USA. Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered, character building outdoor adventure program!
Join Our Troop Mondays at 7pm!
American Heritage Girls
Our program theme for this year is "WOVEN" based on Psalm 139:13-15. Our prayer is that our girls will have a deep understanding of how they have been wonderfully WOVEN by their masterful Creator.
We have an exciting year planned full of faith, service and fun as we strive to fulfill the AHG mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community, and country.
Join Our Troop Mondays at 7pm!
Bibles Studies
Get plugged in with one of the many Bible Studies offered at Christ Church Presbyterian.
Men's Bible Study
Join us on Saturdays each month starting February 3 at 7:00 a.m. as we continue a study of the scriptural qualities of godly men. Iron sharpens Iron and breakfast will be provided!
Service Times
Sunday School Classes
In-depth teaching
9:45 am
Sunday Worship
Community gathering, singing,
expository teaching of the Word
11:00am & 6:00pm
Nurseries for children ages newborn to 4 years of age are staffed for all worship services, including most holidays.
Welcome from Christ Church Presbyterian!
We would be delighted for you to visit our church. It is our desire that during worship, as prayers are raised, hymns and anthems are sung, and God’s Word is proclaimed, our worship will bring glory to God and gladness to His people. We look forward to meeting you!
- Rev. Robbie Hendrick
- Rev. Robbie Hendrick